Thursday, April 23, 2009

Good Thought G.

I really like G’s Suggestion about starting to Blog more about the ins and outs of the business. I’ve always wanted to talk more about the business but wasn’t sure how to really talk the way I’d like to without putting people under the bus so to speak. I don’t know how I’d truly tell some of the stories that happen on a day to day basis without giving too much away.

So maybe the Blog would need to be anonymous? Makes sense, but I don’t know how anonymous it could be? I mean if I talk about a massage therapy center… how many people out there do you know that own a massage therapy center in Philadelphia?

Maybe the location would need to be anonymous too. Seems like it might be tough to keep it hush hush but still be entertaining. I know for a fact that it would be entertaining if I could really speak freely. But I’m not sure how freely I could actually speak without people knowing what massage therapy center I’m talking about.

I would really like to be specific about the type of business at least because all that I am learning is relevant to starting a business and life in general but OH SO MUCH greater in context! This could be a challenge though… I like challenges.

Oh and G I know I still haven’t responded to your e-mail. I will.


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