Friday, November 30, 2007

Oh how I will miss thee...

I think…

No, I am. I am giving up… coffee. Indefinitely. But still.

Sigh. :(

It’s a very sad day people. Anyone who knows me well knows how much I love coffee… but it’s got to go. And there are a few reasons why.

For starters, it’s murdering my wallet. Not only do I drink coffee every single day, but I drink the expensive frou-frou stuff. I probably say, “Grande no foam latte please” in my sleep. The cheap stuff just doesn’t do it for me anymore. It’s just not good. At all. I use to like Dunkin Donuts coffee… but ever since the world realized that “America runs on Dunkin”, they’ve stopped making the good stuff. It tastes like trash. Other cheaper versions are the same… just no good. No effort. No good.

So then I made the mistake and switched to Starbucks. And there the problem arises… Starbucks coffee tastes more like trash than the others… so I have to drink the lattes. It seems that the lattes are the only thing they can get right.

I love the indie coffee house. I love the feel, I love the environment, and I love the coffee.

But that love has turned into something of an addiction. And it’s gone TO FAR. As much as I hate to subscribe to generic monster sized movements that can be explained as existing for nothing more than making us greater consumers of useless stuff, that is EXACTLY what I do when I go into Starbucks every day. I’ve been settling for a sub par caffeine fix in an effort to recreate the indie coffee house experience on a daily basis.

I can no longer justify spending so much money on a daily basis for something that is just “ok”.

With Mellow must come sacrifice. I know that I need to do a better job of managing my funds. Especially until the business starts making money to support itself… cuz right now, it’s being supported by me. So for now, I’m done with the daily cup. I’ll have a cup here and there with dinner… I’ll be down to get into Melodic’s place when it opens… and of course I’ll probably indulge when at a favorite indie spot. But on the real…

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