Monday, February 25, 2008

No Easy Road

I feel like today’s post would be the same as the last. I’m still tired. Maybe even more so… So what else is new?

I IMed my bud Cam at work today saying that I think I’ll quit teaching piano soon since I really need to free up some time.

He replied:

M, C, E says:
keep on pushing

M, C,E says:
when I was in school i used to sing that song

M, C, E says:
I don’t feel no ways tired

M, C, E says:
come to far from where i started from

M, C, E says:
nobody told me the road would be easy

M, C, E says:
I don’t believe he bought me this far to leave me

S, G says:
definitely some good lyrics in that song... thanks

M, C, E says:
no prob

Hmmmm… still might stop teaching. Though the words were helpful.

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