Thursday, August 21, 2008

Just checking in...

...during the midst of it all

I am well. In case you were wondering.

I’ve been very busy. I don’t like to talk to much about the woes of my busy life. Because we all know that if it were any other way I’d be uncomfortable. I gravitate toward the busy stuff. So it’s kind of a given.

School is just about over. I graduated (read walked) in June… I still had a few classes to go though so I’m working on those right now. Never got around to posting pics until now. But thanks to my sister and her love of the awe-inspiring Face Book, the pictures have been floating around for some time. Anyway, here are a few.



I’m currently taking two classes… I’ll be finished with them within the next two weeks. God knows I’m glad! And then there’s just one more class to finish up. This last class consists of a Trip to Europe (more on that another day) so who’s complaining?

Then? Oh yes… then I am DONE!

I had more to say but I got side tracked to many times and now I forget.


tigerlily said...


Meggan said...

Congratulations- you must be excited and relieved to have that finished up...

Meggan [Green] Judge