It’s a rainy nasty day outside. Not the nice warm comforting rain but the cold miserable kind that is only nice if you can stay dry in your warm bed for the day. It’s making me kinda sad… I’m trying to force myself to get out of the doldrums… especially since there is so much to be happy about.
I handed in my last final for the quarter last night. A case study on the Eastman Kodak Company and why Kodak had such a hard time keeping up with competitors given its once monstrous presence in the film market. So now I can rest from school at least until January.
Chair massage at Swarthmore today… We’re really excited about that because it’s our first college final exam stress buster type event. That’s always been something that I’ve planned for so it will be nice to see how it goes. We are currently looking for more On-Site chair massage business so if anyone is in need of some “good rubbin”(R.M. Sungee), give me a call.
Oh and the maintenance man has FINALLY caulked the window at Mellow so we’ll now be able to keep the heat in. Its about time… we could literally see the outside courtyard clearly around the edges of the window.
Not sure how the handmade gift thing is going to go. I’ve gotten some things that are handmade but I don’t think I’ll be able to find something handmade for everyone on my list by Christmas… so I’ll have to resort to store shopping. At least a little. I’m proud of the artists that I did support though… I’ll tell more after the gifts are given.
And the Coffee thing is going alright too. I’ve definitely still been drinking coffee… but not the $4 Starbucks lattes. My pockets are feeling a bit fuller now that I’m thrifting my way through the coffee crave. Not full enough to buy my plane ticket to Munich though…
I got these in the mail last week.

· Wood
· Hypoallergenic
· Lightweight (no old lady torn earlobes)
I knew everything was made better in Montreal…
1 comment:
UGH....Super Glue will work G. I promise!!-SBG
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